Your donations power The Seabury Charitable Foundation investments and enable the Foundation to support the mission and projects that are most important to you and our community. Building our investments is a vital need now and for the coming years. Your generosity allows us to help those in need, improve our community and provide enriching activities and events.
The Foundation offers several ways to contribute, ensuring the most appropriate avenues for you to meet your goals as you help drive ours:
- Gifts that pay you fixed annual amounts
- Trusts that pay you fixed and variable annual payments
- Gifts that help reduce taxes on your financial estate
- Gifts of your retirement assets to help avoid taxes
- A revocable gift upon your death in the form of a bequest in your will
- Gifts of your appreciate property that provide immediate benefits to the community
- Gifts to help you avoid real estate taxes
Contact us at (959) 255-6461 for more information on our range of gift options.