optional text in landing nav bar

DEMO Landing Page

first line of resident amenities auto-formatted now to be underlined and not decorated. Residence type determines color of title, default is blue if nothing declared.


Residence Title

xxx square feet • description of configuration
Every Residence includes as
  • standard features:
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows


AmmEvery Residence includes as
  • standard features:
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows
  • then a list of amenities follows